ICAIR Registration

Please read the ICAIR Registration page carefully.

The ICAIR Registration Fee's quoted below includes:

Virtual Conference

  • Entrance to all sessions of the Conference
  • Access to the recorded version of the conference
  • An electronic copy of the Conference proceedings
  • Associated Conference materials.

All prices are in GBP £ (Pounds Sterling), Earlybird Discount is available if booked and paid for on or before 26 September 2024

All payments for publishing authors should be received by 31 October 2024.

For any payment queries please contact belinda@academic-conferences.org

Physical ConferenceVirtual Conference
Early BirdStandardEarly BirdStandard
Attend the conference with paper publication£425£550£295£345
Attend the conference with paper publication STUDENT DISCOUNTED RATE (student registration number required)£295£375£250£290
Attend the conference with a Poster/Presentation Only – NO paper publication£300£385£100£150
Listener or Co-Author£280£370£75£90
Additional Paper (same lead author)£250
Extra guest Dinner(s)£60

Group Discounts

We offer a group discount of 15% off the registration fee for 3-5 participants and 20% for 6 or more participants. All participants must register together and only one invoice/receipt will be issued. These discounts cannot be combined with any other discounted rate. Please contact our registrar Belinda Burchell at Belinda.burchell@academic-conferences.org with details of who you would like to register and she will arrange to send you an invoice.

Additional Papers

Additional papers written and presented by the same author can be added to a full registration for an additional £210. This is only valid when a full registration is also in the author’s name.

Virtual Presentations

There is an option to present your work virtually. Virtual presentations will take place on Zoom, details of the virtual room links will be sent close to the conference date. There will be a check-in session to test your zoom connection prior to the conference. Virtual Participants will have access to the keynotes and all of the virtual presentations.

Listener or Co-Author

If you are wishing to attend the conference without submitting a paper or you are attending as a co-author on a paper you can register at this price. If you are registering as a co-author of a paper, another author on the paper must register for the publication of the paper.


For information on accommodation please visit the Practical Information page.

Visa Requirements

Visitors must hold a valid passport and may require a visa. We recommend that you check with your nearest Embassy. Please note that we are not able to arrange visas, but once you have completed the registration and paid in full, we can provide a letter confirming that you have registered and paid to attend the conference. Please read our Visa Information Page and then complete the Information Form.

Payment Information

Fees are payable in advance. We accept payment by most international credit or debit cards. You can also pay by bank transfer. You need to register to obtain an invoice or pay by credit/debit card. The invoice will provide all the information you need to pay by bank transfer.

Payment Deadlines

Earlybird fees must reach us no later than 26 September 2024 To ensure publication of papers, author payments must reach us no later than 31 October 2024 Registrations can still be made after this date, provided payment is received by credit/debit card at the time of booking.

Participants arriving at the conference without having pre-registered are welcome subject to availability. Payment will be required on arrival, and will be subject to a late registration surcharge of £100 on the relevant fee.

Earlybird Conditions

In order to obtain the Earlybird rate, we must be in receipt of your full conference registration fee by the published Earlybird date. Although we endeavor to notify paper acceptance before this date, external factors may prevent this. In the event of an author subsequently failing to have a paper accepted for the conference, a refund can be made (cancellation charges apply).


Before finally submitting your registration, please check your order carefully as changes made to bookings after an invoice has been raised will be subject to an administration charge of £25 per change made. If you do notice that you have made a mistake please notify us by email so that we can help you before raising your invoice. All registration queries should be sent to Belinda Burchell

Conference Proceedings

Conference proceedings are open access and will be published at the time of the conference. They are accessible here:  https://papers.academic-conferences.org/index.php/eciair/


Please refer to cancellation terms and conditions.

If the physical conference has to cancel

We will run a physical conference if it is safe to do so at the time and the host university is able to accommodate us. If you register for the physical event and we are unable to run the conference in person, we will change your registration to virtual attendance and offer you the difference as a credit or refund.

Due to the current political environments and the sanctions placed on Russia we are no longer able to accept submissions, registrations and participation from Russia.