Wednesday 16th June 2021
14:30 – 16:00
Grounded Theory Method
Led by Dr. Dan Remenyi, Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa
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Grounded Theory Method (GTM) is regarded as one of the great methodological success stories but it is still a much misunderstood concept. It has to be carefully implemented if it is to produce effective research results. Developed by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss and published in their book The Discovery of Grounded Theory in 1967, it is sometimes called a data-orientated method as it is highly dependent on the way that the researcher interprets data and extracts meaning from it.
In its originators' own words “Grounded theory is an inductive, theory discovery methodology that allows the researcher to develop a theoretical account of the general features of a topic while simultaneously grounding the account in empirical observations or data”. Barney Glaser famously pointed out that “Data is all” but this has to be understood in a particular context. There is a series of skill based activities required of the GTM researcher and he or she has also to master a vocabulary specific to this a method. This seminar explains what is required and addresses the GTM specific concepts and processes.
There are different approaches to GTM which have generally not being well explored and these differences will be addressed. GTM is of increasing importance in social science research and this seminar explains the rationale behind the method as well as giving the participants a chance to understand how Grounded Theory Method can work for them and their research.
Learning Outcomes:
- To explain what is meant by the GTM and discuss what may be achieved using it
- To explore the opportunities which grounded theory offers the researcher
- To discuss the skills required for GTM
- To point out the limits of theory developed by using GTM
- To indicate by practical example good practice in using the grounded theory method
This seminar is relevant to students and more established academics, either new to GTM or wanting a refresher on the technique from most Faculties, Departments and Schools.
This seminar delivers practical useful information which may be put to use immediately. It also gives participants an opportunity to network with other researchers and authors.
Online Workshop Application details:
The cost of attending the online workshop/webinar is £20.
To book a place on this workshop or to get further details, please contact: