ICER Biographies

Below are the ICER Biographies of the Conference and Programme Chairs, Key Note Speakers and Mini-Track Chairs.

Conference and Programme Chairs

Florinda Matos is the founder and the president of ICAA - Intellectual Capital Association. She holds a PhD in Social Sciences, Organizational Behaviour Studies from the University of Lisbon (Portugal). She teaches in graduate and post-graduate courses at ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and in several other higher education institutions. She is an associate research fellow of DINÂMIA'CET-IUL - Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies. Currently, she is leading the project "KM3D - Knowledge Management in Additive Manufacturing: Designing New Business Models". She is a member of the New Club of Paris. As a Knowledge Management expert, she is the ambassador for Europe of the International Conference on Knowledge and Innovation (CIKI) and member of the Observatory on Knowledge Management and Innovation in Public Administration, from IPEA - Institute for Applied Economic Research of Brazilian Government.  She has more than 30 published academic articles and scientific papers, book chapters and books. Her main research interests are Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, Digital transformation and Sustainability.

Keynote Speakers

Mini-Track Chairs

Workshop Facilitators