A Model for the Integration of International Women in the Labour Market- Evidence Findings from the ENFEM Project
Joana Castro Fernandes & Susana Bernardino
The aim of this presentation is to share a model for integrating international women into the labour market. Such a model was identified and developed within the ENFEM project. We will explain the starting point, the underlying assumptions, as well as the intervention initiatives and changes that have been carried out.
The ENFEM project was a European project involving 12 partners from 9 EU countries - Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Spain. The main objective of the project was to support the integration of migrant women into local communities by better matching their skills with the requirements of the EU labour market. The project had a time span of 2 years (between 2021 and 2023).
The ENFEM project consortium entailed an extensive network of local, national and international partners to promote the integration of international women into local communities by providing opportunities for the creation and/or development of local multi-stakeholder networks, namely local authorities, employers and non-governmental organisations.
The intervention model was embodied upon four core principles - Mapping; Visibility, Voice and Participation; Inspiration; Connection and Networking. These principles represented the skills required for social integration and have shown themselves to be a strong and all-encompassing framework for directing measures in favor of the humanistic integration of international women in the labor market. Furthermore, they helped strengthen a culture of connection and cooperation, as well as develop both critical and social integration abilities, as well as language and interpersonal skills.