
Academic Conferences is launching a series of online symposia. These events will be one day in duration and will have a number of keynote speakers invited to present on a topic. You will have the opportunity of publishing a peer reviewed paper on the Symposia topic or you can opt to submit an abstract to be considered for presentation.

3rd.Symposium on AI Opportunities and Challenges (SAIOC)

The march of AI as a facilitator of change

One-day Online Symposium, Tuesday 13th May 2025

Co-Hosted by Mid Sweden University, The University of Gävle, Sweden, Uppsala University, Sweden and EM Normandie, France

This one-day online Symposium will bring together a range of thought leaders in the field of Artificial Intelligence who will collectively explore the current state of AI as it is applied to a wide range of different aspects of society. The event will feature 4 keynote presentations, each followed by open discussion sessions. Between these keynote presentations there will be a series of sessions where attendees will have the opportunity to present their own work, research, and/or experiences of AI challenges and opportunities in education.

For more information please click here