Publishers Opportunities

At ACPI we believe the demise of the printed word has been greatly exaggerated. We take pride in our relationships with publishers and providing Conference proceedings to participants.

      • Publishing Houses are welcome to provide us with recently published, content relevant books.
      • Donations of this type would be highlighted on the conference website.

We would be happy to exchange reciprocal links. Typically what we provide to you is:

      • A link on one of our conference sites (your choice) to your home page. We can position the link on the home page only or ALL the pages related to a specific conference. This link could be directed to a specific area of your site that may be more appropriate to a given conference.
      • The link on our site can be text based or an image. Typically the size would not exceed 120x 60 pixels. A hypertext link could then be attached to the image. We accept .GIF & .PNG formats.
      • Exhibition space is located in the reception area of the conference, where delegates take refreshments.  This area is also a throughway for delegates as they move from session to session throughout the conference.
      • We will provide you with a table and chairs. Other facilities may be available on request.

Each participant at an ACPI Conference receives a comprehensive Conference pack ( tote bag style) that typically includes:

      • Conference proceedings on compact disk along with a booklet listing all the Authors & Abstract titles.
      • A hard copy of the proceedings (extra charge) Depending on the conference and the number of participants this book runs between 200 and 500 pages.
      • Topical information from the ‘Host” institution. An example of this would be that if the host institution was a Business School then they we might include a package about their MBA program.
      • Relevant information about the Venue city. This may take the form of a tourist guide and could also include a map of the host city.
      • Promotional material for next year’s conference along with the Call for Papers and any relevant information with respect to the Venue..

We could then include in this pack:

      • Promotional material for your Publishing House.
      • Samples or any other type of ‘branded’ appropriate promotional  item. Examples of these are pens, clocks, calculators, discount coupons (if these were serialized you can then effectively measure ‘take-up’

We have put in place a process whereby individual Publishing Houses can make an Award that will fund the participation of an academic author from a developing country.   This is an excellent method of promotion whereby the Publisher actively makes a direct contribution to the furthering of higher education in a developing country. (Possible positive tax implications to the Publishing House if UK based?) and the "Award" aspect will make this a sought after “prize”   How would this work for the Publishing House?

      • The Award would be highlighted on ALL pages of  the chosen Conference site.
      • Process the papers through the regular blind review process and those that wanted to apply for the Award would be passed onto the sponsoring Publishing House who would then make the final decision on who the award should be offered to.
      • The award can be customized to cover:
        • Airfare, accommodation & the Conference registration fee for a single participating Author.
        • Airfare, accommodation & the Conference registration fee for a single participating Author + a representative from the sponsoring Publishing House
      • After the Conference the Publishing House would have the right of 1st refusal on the publication of the sponsored paper in their Journal where appropriate.
      • The Publishing House logo would be added to ALL pages of the chosen Conference site.
      • The Publishing House logo would appear on the cover of the Conference Proceedings.
      • Brochures & leaflets would be inserted into the Conference packs given to each participant.

How would this work for the academic from a developing country?

      • At the time of initial submission the applicant would indicate that they wish to be considered for this award.
      • Promotional material for your Publishing House.
      • Samples or any other type of ‘branded’ appropriate promotional  item. Examples of these are pens, clocks, calculators, discount coupons (if these were serialized you can then effectively measure ‘take-up’

Your Publishing House would be offered the opportunity of publishing selected papers from the conference in a related publication issue.

      • This would be highlighted on the conference website and once the conference proceedings had been published
      • You would be provided with a copy of the abstracts booklet to help you select papers you may be interested in.
      • You would then be provided with contact details of the relevant authors.
      • It may be possible to provide a guest editor if required.
      • No fee is charged for this, but your help in promoting the conference is requested.

We offer a door prize draw at the “close of Conference” assembly.

      • Publishing Houses are welcome to provide us with recently published, content relevant books for inclusion in our prize draw.
      • Donations of this type would be highlighted on the conference website and an insert can be included in the participant packs.

Contact us for more information: