ECKM Call for Papers

Academic Conference Call for Papers
  • Academic Papers
  • Case Studies
  • Work in-Progress Papers
  • Round Table Discussion Proposals
  • PhD Papers
  • Posters
  • Non- Academic or Practitioner Contributions

Aims and Scope

The European Conference on Knowledge Management - ECKM, brings together academic research and practical applications of Knowledge Management from all areas. ECKM brings together varied groups of people with different perspectives, seeking to bring top research and proven best practices together into one location, for the purposes of helping practitioners find ways to put research into practice, and for researchers to gain an understanding of additional real-world problems. All Papers accepted for ECKM after the double-blind peer review process will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. The Proceedings is a published book with an ISBN and ISSN.

Please see the ECKM Call for Papers, important dates below.

Key Topics

      • The fundamentals of Knowledge Management
      • Knowledge Management in the Organisation
      • Knowledge Innovation
      • Intellectual Capital
      • Knowledge Management Systems
      • Knowledge Management in Practice
      • Knowledge Sharing
      • The Knowledge Economy
      • Knowledge Dynamics

For more information on Key Topics, please click here

Mini Tracks

      • Conversational AI within Higher Education Institutions
      • Ethics and Human Values in the Knowledge Life Cycle
      • How to … Lessons Learned
      • Storytelling as an Organisational Knowledge-sharing tool
      • Digital technologies for knowledge sharing in the hybrid workplace
      • Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Knowledge Management
      • Knowledge Management in Different Cultural Contexts
      • Age of Digitalisation
      • KM and Practices in Family Firms
      • Knowledge Transfer, Exchange and Creation Among Experts with Different Backgrounds
      • Advancing Social Innovation

For more information on, or to submit to, a Mini Track, please click here

Important Dates

Notification of abstract acceptance27 February 2024
Full paper due for review04 April 2024
Notification of paper acceptance13 June 2024
Earlybird registration closes27 June 2024
Final paper due (with any changes)11 July 2024
Final Author payment date01 August 2024
Excellence awards abstract submission27 March 2024Extended until 10 May 2024
Excellence awards notification of abstract acceptance10 April 2024
Excellence awards full case history submission20 May 2024
Excellence awards finalists announced20 June 2024