Future International Conference on AI Research
(formally the European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics)
Hosted by: Instituto Universitario De Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL),
Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa
Phone: (+351) 217 903 000
Website : www.iscte-iul.pt/en
Conference Proceedings
The Electronic Proceedings from ICIAIR are included in your registration and are available to download for conference participants. They are also available to purchase in 2 difference formats.
- PDF Download - £50
- Printed Version - £70 plus Postage and Packaging
Conference Executives
Conference Chair: Dr Florinda Mattos, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
Programme Chair: Professor Isabel Salavisa Vice-Rector for Research at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Keynote Speakers:
Luis Paulo Reis, University of Porto, Portugal
Ethical, Explainable and Configurable Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), France
Justice, Fairness and AI
Message of Thanks
We extend our thanks to all participants at the conference, both presenters and attendees and gratefully acknowledge the support of Faculty of the Instituto Universitario De Lisboa, Portugal and the assistance provided by the Conference Chair and keynote speakers. The stream and mini track chairs are to be applauded for their efforts in ensuring that timekeeping requirements were respected by all participants and the chair and discussants of the PhD Colloquium are thanked for their invaluable contribution to this important part of the conference. Finally, we value and unreservedly acknowledge the essential role performed by the executive and programme committees in respect of the double blind review process. We trust that that overall the conference exceeded your expectations; we welcome your feedback
Previous Conferences at ECIAIR
Hosted by: Instituto Universitario De Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL)
Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa
Phone: (+351) 217 903 000
Website : www.iscte-iul.pt/en
Winners at ECIE 2020
Best Poster Winner
Networks of Human and Non-Human Agents on Blockchain: A Philosophical Approach
Pfeiffer Alexander, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA & Alesja Serada, University of Vaasa, Finland
Conference Executives
Conference Chair: Dr Florinda Mattos, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
Programme Chair: Professor Isabel Salavisa Vice-Rector for Research at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Mário Figueiredo, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Artificial Intelligence: Historical Aspects, Modern Applications
Prof. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) and a member of the Institut Universitaire de France
Why do we need ethics and not just regulation in AI and robotics?
Hosted by:EM Normandie Business School
Jericho Building,
Oxpens Road
Oxford OX1 1SA UK
31 October - 01 November 2019
Winners at ECIE 2019
Best Poster Winner
Speeding up the Spread of Emerging Technologies to the World of Work: Practices and Calls for Action Based on Finnish Experiences
Juha Saukkonen
Conference Executives
Conference Chair:Dr Paul Griffiths, Ecole de Management de Normandie, Oxford, UK
Programme Chair: Dr. Mitt Nowshade Kabir, Trouvus
Keynote Speakers:
Dr Mariano E. Giménez,
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Hybrid operating rooms and image-guided surgery, the way to automation
Dr. Mitt Nowshade Kabir, Trouvus
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