Future International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security
If you would be interested in hosting ICCWS, please read the hosting document and contact Sue Nugus, Conferences Director, for more information.
ICCWS 2024
Hosted by:
The Kerzner Building
University of Johannesburg
Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus
Bunting Road
The Electronic Proceedings from ICCWS are included in your registration and are available to download for conference participants. They are also available to purchase in 2 difference formats.
- PDF Download - £50
- Printed Version - £70 plus Postage and Packaging
Winners at ICCWS 2024
PhD Winners
Options for Signalling Cyber Deterrence using Cyber Capabilities
Maria Keinonen, National Defence University, Helsnki, Finland and Kimmo Halunen, University of Oulu, Finland
National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection through Cybersecurity: A National Government Perspective
Thuli Mkhwanazi and Lynn Futcher, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Best Posters
Voter Psychological Vulnerabilities in Information Warfare
Bonnie Rushing, US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, USA
A Multiverse Model of War’
Clara Maathuis, Open University, Heerlen, Netherlands
Conference Executives
Conference Co-Chairs:
Dr Jaco du Toit. University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Prof Brett van Niekerk.,Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Keynote Speakers:
Prof Joey Jansen van Vuuren (PhD) , Tshwane University of Technology .
The threat of ransomware attacks in Higher Education Institutions
Dr Manuel Corregedor Ahmed Bin Mohammed Military College, Doha, Qatar
A Cyber Security Tale From The Trenches
Message of Thanks
We extend our thanks to all participants at the conference, both presenters and attendees and gratefully acknowledge the support of the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, and the assistance provided by the Conference Chair and keynote speakers. The stream and mini track chairs are to be applauded for their efforts in ensuring that timekeeping requirements were respected by all participants and the chair and discussants of the PhD Colloquium are thanked for their invaluable contribution to this important part of the conference.
Finally, we value and unreservedly acknowledge the essential role performed by the executive and programme committees in respect of the double blind review process.
We trust that that overall the conference exceeded your expectations; we welcome your feedback
Previous ICCWS Conferences
ICCWS 2023
Hosted by:
Towson University Cyber Center
10 West
West Burke Avenue
Winners at ICCWS 2023
PhD Winners
Offensive Cyberspace Operations for Cyber Security
Gazmend Huskaj, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Switzerland (PhD)
Using Military Cyber Operations as a Deterrent
Maria Keinonen, Finnish Defence Forces, Helsinki, Finland (PhD)
Categorizing Cyber Activity Through an Information-Psychological and Information-Technological Perspective, Case Ukraine
Harry Kantola, Finnish National Defence University, Helsinki, FInland (PhD)
Masters Winner
DACA: Automated Attack Scenarios and Dataset Generation
Risto Vaarandi and Frank Korving, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia (Masters)
Conference Executives
Conference Co-Chairs:
Richard L. Wilson, Towson University, Baltimore, USA
Major Brendan Curran, National Security Agency’s Space Cybersecurity Fort Meade, Maryland
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. George R. Lucas, Stockdale Center at the U.S. Naval Academy.
Military Ethics & Algorithmic Warfare: from the Battlefield to the Cyber Domain
Mr. Justin Fanelli, Technical Director, Dept of Navy PEO Digital and Georgetown University
Can Zero Trust Restore Our Ailing Trust?
ICCWS 2022
Hosted by:
Harriman Campus,
ETEC Blg. 1220 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12227
Winners at ICCWS 2022
PhD Winner
The Impact of CISO Appointment Announcements on the Market Value of Firms
Adrian Ford, Ameer Al-Nemrat, Seyed Ali Ghorashi and Julia Davidson, University of East London, UK
Poster Winner
You cannot Hide Behind Your Thoughts: EEG-based Biometric Identification
Christoph Lipps, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Conference Executives
Conference Co-Chairs:
Dean Robert P. Griffin College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity, University at Albany
Programme Chair:
Dr Unal Tatar and Dr Benjamin Yankson College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity, University at Albany
Keynote Speakers:
Heather Hage, Griffiss Institute (GI), USA
Runways to Rome
Tony Sager, Senior Vice President & Chief Evangelist, Center for Internet Security
Stranger in a Changed Land
Col. Jeffrey Erickson, the director of the Army Cyber Institute.
Developing the Critical Capabilities Needed to Respond to Cyber Attacks on Modern Cities
ICCWS 2021
Hosted by:
Tennessee Tech University Tennessee Tech University & and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Roaden University Center
1000 N Dixie Avenue
Cookeville, TN 38505
Website : https://www.tntech.edu/about
Winners at ICCWS 2021
Best PhD/ Masters Colloquium Presentation
Remote Memory Monitoring for Malware in a Talos II Architecture
Robert Willburn, Air Force Institute of Technology, USA (Masters)
Zynq System-on-Chip DMA Messaging for Processor Monitoring
Daniel Koranek, Scott Graham and Douglas Hodson, Air Force Institute of Technology, USA
Poster Winner
Christoph Lipps, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, Germany for the poster "How To Dance Your Passwords: A Gait-Based Biometric User Identification".
Conference Executives
Conference Co-Chairs:
Dr. Juan Lopez Jr. - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, United States
Dr. Ambareen Siraj - Tennessee Technological University, Seymour, USA
Programme Chair:
Dr. Kalyan Perumalla, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, United States
Keynote Speakers:
Diane M. Janosek, National Cryptologic School, USA
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Dr Deborah Frincke, National Security Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
“What’s Science Got To Do With it?”
ICCWS 2020
Hosted by:
Center for Cybersecurity Education and Research (CCSER),
Old Dominion University,
Webb University Center,
1526 W 49th St,
VA 23508 USA
Tel : 757-683-5914.
Winners at ICCWS 2020
Best PhD Paper
Paul Poteete, University of Pretoria, New Brighton
Sychometric Modeling of Cybersecurity Roles
Poster Winner
Christoph Lipps, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern, Germany
"How To Dance Your Passwords: A Gait-Based Biometric User Identification".
Conference Executives
Conference Chair:
Prof. Brian K. Payne, Old Dominion University
Programme Chair:
Prof. Hongyi Wu, Old Dominion University
Key Note Speakers:
Captain Harold Cole, Auburn University and Captain Jody Grady, Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Atlantic
"Securing vs Defending a Network"
Dr. Emily Goldman, U.S. Department of State
Strategic Cyber Competition
Rodney Petersen, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Multiple Pathways to a Career in Cybersecurity
Greg Tomchick, Proactive Services at Cyber Defense Labs
Cyber Resilience in the 2020's
ICCWS 2019
Hosted by:
Stellenbosch University and the CSIR at Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study,
South Africa
28 February-1 March 2019
Winners at ICCWS 2019
Best PhD Paper
Strategic Culture Theory as a Tool for Explaining Russian Cyber Threat Perception
Kari Martti, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Conference Executives
Conference Chair:
Noëlle van der Waag-Cowling, Department of Defence, South Africa
Programme Chair:
Louise Leenen, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Key Note Speakers:
Assoc. Prof. Sascha Bachmann, Bournemouth University, UK
Hybrid Conflict as 21st Century Conflict
Dr. Hurley, National Defense University (NDU), Data Analytics
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Dr. Edward L. Mienie, University of North Georgia
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Brigadier Piet Pieterse, South African Police Service
The Evolving Demands of a Data-Driven Society: The New Cyber Challenge
ICCWS 2018
Hosted by:
The National Defense University,
Washington DC,
Winners at ICCWS 2018
Best PhD Paper
Sharif Hassan and Ratan Guha
Honeypots and the Attackers Bias
Best Poster
Zachary Schnur and Richard Wilson
Cold War Echoes: The Russian Effort to Interfere in the 2016 Election
Conference Executives
Conference Chair:
RADM Hamby (Retired), Information Resources Management College (IRMC), National Defense University, USA
Programme Chair:
Dr. Jim Q. Chen Professor, National Defense University, USA
Dr. John Hurley, Professor, National Defense University, USA
ICCWS 2017
Hosted by:
Wright State University & the Center for Cyberspace Research,
Air Force Institute of Technology,
Dayton, USA.
Winners at ICCWS 2017
Best PhD Paper
Patrick Dudenhofer and Adam Bryant, Wright State University, USA
Establishing a Cognitive Understanding of Cyber Reverse Engineering Tasks
Best Masters Paper
Portante Anthony and Barry Mullins, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, USA
Analysis of Denial-of-Service Attack Vectors in Software-Defined Networks
Best Poster Robert Koch, Universität der Bundeswehr, Germany
Hunting Fake News: Automated Assessment System by Distributed News Analysis
Conference Executives
Conference Chair:
Dr Adam R Bryant. Wright State University, Dayton, USA
Dr Robert F. Mills, Air Force Institute of Technology, USA.
Programme Chair:
Dr. Juan Lopez Jr, Center for Cyberspace Research, Air Force Institute of Technology.USA.
Key Note Speakers:
Major General Courtney P. Carr, Adjutant General of Indiana
"Total Force Cyber: Working in an Ambiguous Environment"
Dr. Matt Bishop,Department of Computer Science, University of California at Davis
"Resilience as a Security Property"
ICCWS 2016
Hosted by:
Boston University Boston,
Massachusetts., USA
17-18 March 2016
Winers at ICCWS 2016
Best PhD Paper
Dubois Michel, ESIEA and Eric Filiol, ESIEA - Operational Cryptology and Virology Laboratory, France
3D Visualization Applied to PRBGs and Cryptography
Best Masters Paper
Seitz Andrew and Benjamin Ramsey, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, USA
Z-Ranger: An Improved Tool Set for ZigBee Warwalking
Best Poster
Heydari Vahid, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA.
Preventing Remote Cyber Attacks against Aircraft Avionics Systems
Conference Executives
Conference Chair:
Dr Tanya Zlateva, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Programme Chair:
Dr Virginia Greiman, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Key Note Speakers:
Daryl Haegley, Control Systems Cybersecurity, USA
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Neal Ziring, the Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) at NSA
"Is Security Achievable? A Practical Perspective"