25th European Conference on Knowledge Management
5-6 September 2024, Veszprém, Hungary

University of Pannonia



Welcome to ECKM 2024

ECKM is the longest running Academic KM Conference in Europe. It has run in Universities in many cities around Europe, including: Barcelona, Paris, Lisbon, Dublin, Oxford, Glasgow, Aix-au-Province, Bled, Venice, Nice, and Belfast, to mention only a few. More than 2,000 academics ranging from Deans of Faculties and Schools to PhD candidates have previously attended. This is in addition to a growing following of people from business who have discovered ECKM as a great source of international networking.  The conference is generally attended by participants from more than 40 countries and attracts an interesting combination of academic scholars, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of Knowledge Management. A number of journals including the Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management publish the results of research presented at this conference. The conference hosts a PhD and Master colloquium and also a competition for the Best Case History describing a successful KM application.  ECKM 2024 is being held at the University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary

This Conference will host the final round of The 10th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

Conference Chair

Nóra Obermayer

Programme Chair

Andrea Bencsik

Personal Message from the Conference Chair

Data, information, systems and platforms - organisations and individuals alike are swimming in a sea of accumulated and relatively easily accessible knowledge. We have to face the fact that technological advances, digitalisation and Industry 5.0 are generating challenges to which not only business but also societies have to respond. It is a big task to adapt knowledge management tools to societal units, while at the same time providing education and awareness in a society made up of small local communities. Veszprém, as the European Capital of Culture 2023, is using culture and community-building tools to seek answers to major societal challenges, while the University of Pannonia is using science and education to explore their business and societal impacts. Under the theme of Organizational and Social Management of Societal Challenges, we welcome researchers, students, entrepreneurs and all those who can contribute to the knowledge of this topic to participate in ECKM 2024, which will be held at the University of Pannonia in Veszprém, Hungary.

ECKM 2024 will also host the final round of  The 10th Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards

Important Dates

Notification of abstract acceptance27 February 2024
Full paper due for review04 April 2024
Notification of paper acceptance13 June 2024
Earlybird registration closes27 June 2024
Final paper due (with any changes)11 July 2024
Final Author payment date01 August 2024
Excellence awards abstract submission27 March 2024Extended until 10 May 2024
Excellence awards notification of abstract acceptance10 April 2024
Excellence awards full case history submission20 May 2024
Excellence awards finalists announced20 June 2024
We are planning to run our series of conferences as physical events with the option for participants to join virtually. We urge you to continue to submit your abstracts and papers in line with the published dates (extensions will be granted on request). For more details contact

Conference Publications

Papers accepted for the ECKM after the double-blind peer review process, will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment. The conference proceedings have an ISSN ( 2048-8963) and will be assigned an ISBN on publication. Proceedings are accessible here:

The Editors of the Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management will make selections if they feel work is appropriate and of sufficient quality for the journal. If invited to publish in a journal authors will be expected to develop the work by 40-50%, including a change of title and abstract. Individual journal procedures will need to be followed and there is no guarantee of publication.

Conference Accreditations

roceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM) are:

      • submitted for consideration by the Web of Science (WoS) Conference Proceedings Citation Index
      • indexed by Elsevier SCOPUS abstract and citation database
      • indexed by Compendex (EI) Engineering Information research citation database
      • indexed by the Institution of Engineering and Technology in the UK.
      • indexed by Google Books and Google Scholar
      • listed in the EBSCO database of Conference Proceedings
      • ranked B in the Australian Research Council ERA Conference List
      • Ranked by the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers

Conference proceedings are submitted for accreditation on publication. Please note that depending on the accreditation body, this process can take several months.