Pre-Conference Workshop
Wednesday 1st April 2020
10:00 - 12:00
Preparing and Writing a Paper for Publication in a Journal
Led by
Dr. Chris Turner, University of Reading, UK
This workshop will consider the following:
- thinking about the most appropriate journal for publishing work;
- identifying the key issues to consider when preparing an article (e.g. what topics might journal editors wish to see published in their journal);
- writing an article, especially thinking about its structure and the length of the article;
- clarifying what referees look for in an article which might potentially be published.
There will also be some discussion about the questions which need to be considered prior to submission to journal editor; i.e. is the proposed article about some empirical research both relevant and up-to-date? Does the proposed article about theoretical ideas place sufficient emphasis on originality and critical thinking? Does the proposed article explain how the research fits into an existing, wider body of knowledge? Does the proposed article show awareness of current policy developments in the area?
This workshop will briefly address the advantages and disadvantages related to presenting work at a conference.
There will be opportunities to read and discuss in small groups, examples of different types of publication from Chris’s own experience.
Finally, there will be a focus on disseminating research publications on social media especially using blogs, Twitter and Facebook.
Learning outcomes:
This workshop is mainly targeted at doctoral students who are keen to get their work published in reputable journals.
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Application details
The workshop will be held at the University of Reading on Wednesday 1st of April 2020 at 10:00. For more information and to register please email:
See more about ICGR 2020 at:
14:00 to 16:30
Blended Learning Innovation Using Interactive Webinar Designs
Led by Dr Anthony ‘Skip’ Basiel
Interactive video has grown over the last decade to engage learners through a range of instructional designs and supporting technologies. Webinars are now commonplace, but as with early eLearning pedagogy, a ‘talking head’ design falls short of meeting the potential of the media. Next-generation learners need to master virtual collaboration skills to construct solutions to higher-level problem solving using interactive webinars.
How do academics, instructional designers and students design and use webinars to construct new knowledge through social meaning making? The Flat-Pack Webinar Designtm is a methodology and toolkit aimed at providing blended learning stakeholders with the techniques and resources to construct their own effective webinars. First, underpinning learning theory or ‘Telepistemology’ is explored. Next, possible instructional designs are developed. The event provides a ‘Toolkit’ for the application of the appropriate models. Finally, the interactive webinar event is applied and evaluated.
This blended action webinar/workshop provides several case studies to demonstrate a variety of design techniques to use for an engaging collaborative learning experience. Small groups identify and analyze case study components to build towards a new 360* immersive fishbowl webinar model. A meta-film approach using a flying drone video camera will demonstrate an augmented reality learning application.
Topics covered in the workshop/seminar Operational set-up for interactive blended webinars (while using the technology live), PAP Model (Pre-At-Post) Instructional Design, Underpinning eLearning Theory - 'Web Constructivism'; audience participation of Flat-Pack Webinar Design 'Tips and Tricks to Success'; introduction to the Webinar Toolkit; recording live web video events (in person and screen capture); building a virtual community towards an organizational learning culture; webinar evaluation - tools and strategy.
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Application details
The attendance fee for this workshop is £60 (+VAT @20%). There is a 50% discount for participants registered for ICGR 2020.
For more details and to book onto the seminar please contact: