ECKM Pre-Conference Workshop
Wednesday 1st of September 2021
Exploring Customer Knowledge Management: Within a Sustainable Fashion Online Community
Led by: Dr Rebecca Beech, Coventry University and Prof Constantin Bratianu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
10:00 – 12:00
The vast growth of the internet has resulted in the ubiquitous nature of online communities, consequently paving the rise in knowledge sharing amongst users. Considering the COVID pandemic which has encouraged us to keep updated with friends and family, work online, and to seek support and help via online platforms, these online spaces have become prevalent in our day-to-day work and wellbeing. In this example, understanding customer knowledge management online is paramount to social media managers to understand their consumers and how to retain a competitive and thriving online platform. The concept of customer knowledge management is gaining traction from a collective perspective in relation to comprehending consumers drive to share knowledge within Marketing and Management studies. Nevertheless, there is still a paucity of literature which explores why consumers are driven to share knowledge and a lack of literature that conclude specific factors as being important. These factors include the participatory benefits entailing, hedonic, psychological, functional and social – sharing for fun and enjoyment, for belonging, share to collect information and share to help and support.
This workshop will discuss the subject of consumers’ knowledge management, and use a particular case study from the context of a sustainable fashion community to illustrate the factors driving customers to share their knowledge online, thus shining a light on customer knowledge management in relation to consumers sustainable concerns and pro-environmental behaviours.
Workshop Application details:
The cost of attending the workshop in Coventry is £50. If the workshop changes to run as a virtual event the cost will be £25
To reserve a place on this workshop please use the online form:
For further information email:
PhD Workshop on Research Methods in Knowledge Management
Led by Professor Anthony Wensley, University of Toronto Mississauga & presented by Dr Esin Yoruk and Dr Mahdi Bashiri, Coventry University, UK
13:00 - 16:30 – times includes workshop and PhD Colloquium Presentations
This year we have arranged for a valuable Research Methods workshop to take place prior to the PhD colloquium. We highly recommend that all of the PhD presenters attend this session, but it is also of value to any other participants currently undertaking their PhD studies or academics wanting to refresh some research methodology skills.
Knowledge Management research and practice can take a range of forms, often determined by elements such as the knowledge problem being addressed, the context of the research or the nature of the data to be collected. It is not surprising that we can find in the literature a variety of research methods driving the main contributions to the KM domain. However, choosing and implementing the right methodology is often a challenging task for KM postgraduate and early career researchers.
This workshop has been designed as a dedicated space for postgraduate KM researchers to reflect on their approach to data collection and analysis, with particular input from experts on the subject. Key elements of KM research will be discussed, while participants will become more familiar with different approaches and methods in qualitative and quantitative research in Knowledge Management.
Presentation 1: Qualitative Comparative Analysis: Potentials for a systematised approach to case comparison
Dr Esin Yoruk
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is a recently emerging analytical technique and has been making inroads into business research. It is based on set-theoretic methodology to analyse complex relationships that allows for the modeling of equifinality - a principle that multiple alternative solutions can lead to an outcome of interest. QCA provides a unique middle ground between qualitative and quantitative methods, whilst effectively responding to many limitations of both. Therefore, QCA offers wide opportunities to researchers. Currently, it is mostly used in place of regression using large sample sizes. However, it also has an untapped potential as a systematized approach to qualitative case comparison using very small-N when rich case knowledge is available. In this workshop, I will introduce the method, discuss its pros and cons, its potential as an alternative to multiple case studies and provide illustrations from recent research for better understanding and implementation of the method.
Esin Yoruk is Senior Lecturer at the School of Strategy and Leadership and Research Associate at the Centre for Business in Society at Coventry University. Her main research interests are in the field of innovation studies and entrepreneurship and their effects on sustainable economic growth. She has extensive in interest in novel research methodologies.
Presentation 2: Guidelines for PhD Quantitative Research on Knowledge Management
Dr Mahdi Bashiri
This session will provide some practical guidelines to PhD researchers doing or planning to do quantitative research on Knowledge Management, with focus the nature of quantitative research problems, the effective development and validation of theoretical frameworks, the collection and analysis of quantitative data. During the session, the applicability of the SPSS on doing the quantitative researches will be discussed.
Mahdi Bashiri is Assistant Professor of Business Analytics in School of Strategy and Leadership, Faculty of Business & Law, Coventry University and also a Course Director of International Business Management. Mahdi is a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and has more than 17 years of Management, Leadership, Research, and Teaching experience in the HE sector. Mahdi’s research and teaching interests are in the quantitative methods and Operations Research. He has significant experience as an industry consultant.
This is a free workshop, but please register interest in attending by emailing
Digital Transformation of Business and Society: The Role of Knowledge Management Strategies
Led by: Dr Anitha Chinnaswamy, Coventry University, UK, Dr Sandra Moffett, Ulster University, Northern Ireland & Dr Rasha Kassem, Coventry University, UK
14:00 – 16:00
Digital technologies are transforming the way we live, work, operate and communicate today. Novel digital technologies, platforms and digital infrastructures are contributing to innovation and entrepreneurship in significant ways. While the adoption of these transformations is a necessity for the modern enterprise, some organisations still face significant challenges. These result not necessarily due to the technology itself, but stem from the lack of knowledge or trained personnel that inhibit the understanding of how to cope with this change and the risks associated with it. Cyberattacks, data breaches, and other cyber events are increasing as the threat surface grows and businesses adopt more digital technologies in various areas of their industry in pursuit of new business models. The constantly evolving cybersecurity threats facing organisations are forcing managers to rethink and re-evaluate the knowledge management tools and tactics they traditionally deploy. To improve cybersecurity and reduce risk, organisations must pivot from a reactive to a proactive approach toward securing information assets, wherein they identify and respond to threats in a timely manner and using appropriate knowledge management capabilities.
In this workshop the presenters will discuss opportunities and challenges for organisations to enhance capabilities to rapidly respond to digital transformations and the associated risks. It is imperative for firms to be agile and develop the capability to effectively adjust to extreme changes, survive unprecedented threats, and capitalise on emerging business opportunities. Participants will be able to interact with experts leading research on issues such as cyber security, trust, privacy and digital resilience.
Presentation 1: Digital Resilience in Organisations
Dr Anitha Chinnaswamy
Digital transformation in organisations depend on digital resilience to rapidly adapt to business disruptions by leveraging digital capabilities to not only restore business operations, but also capitalise on the changed conditions. In this workshop, we will explore how organisations can Achieve Digital Resilience by Managing Digital Risk; Develop an understanding and standard definition of what digital risk is, who it impacts, and its relevance to an organisation; and understand the roles digital risk management and digital risk profile have in helping an organisation achieve safe, transformative growth.
Presentation 2: Role of Knowledge Management in Digital Transformation
Dr Sandra Moffett
Digitisation is bringing a significant impact that is termed as Digital transformations in organisations. This transformation is resulting in newer business models, a change in socio-economic structures, new legal and governance measures, change in organisational policies and management. It is thus becoming a necessity for organisations to factor in these measures when planning for digital transformation and adoption of these technologies. In this workshop we will discuss how properly organized knowledge management can assist organisations in devising plans that accelerates the digital transformations in organisations.
Presentation 3: The Role of Technology in Countering Fraud
Dr Rasha Kassem
Fraud risk could result in business disruptions, reputational damage, and financial loss to any organisation. For that reason, it is imperative for organisations, regardless of industry, to gain adequate knowledge of fraud risk, including its nature, enablers, and how it could be mitigated. In this workshop, we will first discuss the nature, enablers and types of fraud before exploring how organisations can mitigate fraud risk and the role of technology in countering fraud. The presentation will include recent real-life fraud cases and discussion questions to stimulate engagement.
Workshop Application details:
The cost of attending the workshop in Coventry is £50. Should the workshop change to run as a virtual event the cost will be £25
To reserve a place on this webinar please use the online form:
For further information email: