If you would be interested in hosting ECGBL, please read the hosting document and contact Sue Nugus, Conferences Director, for more information.
ECGBL 2024
Aarhus University, Denmark
Universitetsparken 423, 8000
03-04 October 2024
Conference Proceedings
The Electronic Proceedings from ECGBL are included in your registration and are available to download for conference participants. They are also available to purchase in 2 different formats.
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Winners at ECGBL 202
PhD winners
Golden, USA Gamification Powered by a Large Language Model to Enhance Flipped Classroom Learning in Undergraduate Computer Science
Kathleen Kelly with Christine Liebe, Colorado School of Mines,
Poster Winner
Indie Games Ethical and Socioemotional Development in Secondary Education
Jorge Oceja, Júlia Vilasís-Pamos, and Jesús Salinas, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain
Competition Game Winners
Games in Development
1st Place
Jyothi Krishnan and Bhavya Agarwal
2nd Place
Guardians of Tomorrow
Brian Nelson, Diane Jass Ketelhut, Luis Perez Cortes, Jeremy Bernier and Lin Yan
Joint 3rd Place
Eelemental Home
Antonio Joaquín Franco-Mariscal and Maria Jose Cano-Iglesias
Alan Devins, Stephen Farley, Mary Coogan, Paul Keating, John Hannafin and Daria Kravtosova
Fully Developed Games, Digital
1st Place
T.E.G. Solutions
Anita Dahlberg and Simon Egenfield-Nielsen
2nd Place
Till Next Bill
Julien Schekter, Nicolas Heredia and Frederic Cerchia
Joint 3rd Place
Climate Smart
Anna Davies and Stephen Hugel
Natalia Szulc et al
Fully Developed Games, Non-Digital
1st Place
Terrible Workers
Lawrence Zheng, Archana Ramakrishnan, Simran Chawla, Manvi Gupta and Jenny Liu
2nd Place
Water Champions
Stathi Paxinos and Annisa Hasanah
3rd Place
Games of Games
Caroline Archambault
Student Games
1st Place
Neel Umesh Mantri
2nd Place
Isa Ozgur Ozer and Onur Sezer
3rd Place
New Heart, New Life
Lu Ka Hei, Cheung Ho Chun, Kwan Pak Hang, Chan Ching Man, Mak Sin Mei and Siu Ching Yiu
1st Place
The Policy Maker
Shuyin Zheng and Victoria Fischer
2nd Place
Stella Stefany and Rickman Roedavan
3rd Place
Body of Knowledge
Stephanie O’Dell Daugherity
Escape Rooms
1st Place
Escape from Building 7041
Sarah Campbell
2nd Place
The Chest of Lord Maxwell
Ladislav Janiga and Viera Haverlikov
3rd Place
The Hidden Hospital
Jenny Moffett and Harold Bok
Conference Executives
Conference Co-Chairs:
Dr. Ton Spil
Dr. Guido Bruinsma
Dr. Luuk Collou
Keynote Speakers:
Professor Sara de Freitas
Gamechangers: Transforming agency, engagement and communities with digital game trails
Jan Willem Huisman
The loss of Personal Play Space Undermines our Society: Playing is the Foundation for the Human Scale
Message of Thanks
We extend our thanks to all participants at the conference, both presenters and attendees and gratefully acknowledge the support of University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, and the assistance provided by the Conference and Programme Chairs and keynote speakers. The stream and mini track chairs are to be applauded for their efforts in ensuring that timekeeping requirements were respected by all participants and the chair and discussants of the PhD Colloquium are thanked for their invaluable contribution to this important part of the conference.
Finally, we value and unreservedly acknowledge the essential role performed by the executive and programme committees in respect of the double blind review process.
We trust that that overall the conference exceeded your expectations; we welcome your feedback
Previous ECGBL Conferences
ECGBL 2023
Hosted by:
University of Twente
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede The Netherlands
Website : https://www.utwente.nl
05-06 October 2023
Winners at ECGBL 2023
PhD winners
Using RPG-based Learning Environment to Increase Engagement and Motivation for Learning Higher Mathematics
Evgenia Anagnostopoulou, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
Honourable mention:
Meraki: Encouraging Language Learning in Real-World Simulations Through AI Para-Social Relationship Building
Subhangi Namburi and Gail Hopkins, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom (P)
Poster Winner
Is game-based assessment fair? Impact of human interaction on applicant’s reactions
Tobiasz Naryniecki, University of Warsaw, Poland
Conference Executives
Conference Co-Chairs:
Dr. Ton Spil
Dr. Guido Bruinsma
Dr. Luuk Collou
Keynote Speakers:
Professor Sara de Freitas
Gamechangers: Transforming agency, engagement and communities with digital game trails
Jan Willem Huisman
The loss of Personal Play Space Undermines our Society: Playing is the Foundation for the Human Scale
Competition game winners
Games in Development
Dragons of Afterlands
Sarah Campbell and Marcus Munafo, Play Well for Life and University of Bristol, UK
Fully Developed Digital Games
Julia: A science Journey
Xavier Rubio Campillo, University of Barcelona, Spain
Runners up
Olivier Hokke, Game Tailors & RiD
Venture Valley Game
Nick Night, Singleton Foundation, USA
Fully Developed non-digital games
Biodiversity in schools
Jen-Yuan Yeh and Hsin-Yi Liang, National Museum of Natural Science and I-Shou University, Taiwan
Runner Up
A LEGO game to teach teamwork theories
Ian Stewart, University of Manchester, UK
Honorable mentions
Crown coast: Finding Hidden Gems
Chih Chen Kuo, National Taiwan University of Sciene and Technology
Power Jungle Board Game: Pathway to Sustainable Energy
Sukumal Surichamorn, JoySukumal Design
Escape Room Games
Escape the Infected: Brighton’s Last Stand
Deeksha Bhushan, Surbhi Arora, Jugneet Singh Chhatwal and Shailaja Prasad, University of Brighton, UK
Student Games
Runner up
Ominous Stew
Alexander Bob, Jonas Wehling and David Dorian, Julian Becker, Lisa Hofmeister and Pascal Janssen, Hochschule Harz Wernigerode, Germany
Deng Cheuk Man, Man Wai Hou, Wan to Hui Ho Yin Lam and Ching Yee Mok, Man Kwan Pak Kau College, Hong Kong
Student Games
The Viscious Worm Board Game
Feyza Ercos, Ghent University, Belgium
ECGBL 2022
Hosted by:
Lusófona University
06-07 October 2022
Winners at ECGBL 2022
PhD winners
Joint 1st
Vera Pradiante, Lusofona Uniersity/CICANT, Lisbon
‘The Contribution of Game-based learning: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Dyscalculia’
Astrid Patricia Marin Jimenez and Francis Dube
‘Pedagogical Foundation to Promote Students’ Engagement and Creativity while Co-creating a Music Learning Game’
Poster Competition
Joint 1st
Tomas Havlik et al, University of Defence, Czech Republic
Wargaming Simulator MASA SWORD for Training and Education of Czech Army Officers
Fredrik Rusk and Matilda Stahl, Abo Akademi University, Finland
eSports: The new “white boys” Club? Problematizing the Norms Limiting Diversity and Inclusion in an Educational Gaming Context
Tone Vold, Norway University of Applied Sciences, Rena, Norway
Using an Outdoor Quiz Game to Support Student Socialisation.
Conference Executives
Conference Co-Chairs:
Conceição Costa, Filipe Costa Luz & Nuno Fachada, Lusófona University, Portugal
Keynote Speakers:
Patrícia Gouveia, Lisbon University, Portugal
Eco gaming: How feminism and play are key to changing the world
Petros Lameras, Coventry University, UK
Designing Serious Games through Research: A Relational Perspective
Competition game winners
Fully developed games
1st Place, Vit Sisler, Svoboda 1945
2nd Place, Beata Mierzwa, Microscopya
3rd Place, Luana Silveri Luana, Youtopia
Games in Development
1st Place, Adam Barnard, LINA
2nd Place, Gloria Mittmann, Hygiene in the Course of Time
3rd Place, Olga Sowa, Diversity Game
Student Games
1st Place, Sabina Sirca, Officer Ollie to the rescue
2nd Place, Miha Medved, HTML-Dash
3rd Place, Karl Wien, AEON: The Emergence of Life
ECGBL 2021
Hosted by: University of Brighton
Moulsecoomb Campus
Lewes Road
23-24 September 2021
Winners at ECGBL 2021
PhD winners
Mifrah Ahmad, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Teacher’s Contemplation Towards Selecting and Evaluating Games for Classroom
Commendations for:
David Bar-El, Northwestern University, Evanston, and Kathryn Ringland, University of California Santa Cruz, USA
Teachers Designing Lessons with a Digital Sandbox Game: The Case of Minecraft Education Edition
Poster Winner
Chiara Piazzalunga, Linda Greta Dui, Simona Ferranti, Matteo Matteucci, Politecnico di Milano, Cristiano Termine and Marisa Bortolozzo, University of Insubria, Italy
A Serious Game to Anticipate Handwriting Difficulties Screening Through Visual Perception Assessment
Commendations for:
Asge Frederik Matthiesen, Mærsk McKinney Møller Institute and Lasse Juel Larsen, Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, Odense Denmark
Facing your Fears: Design of a VR Tool for Usage within Exposure Therapy for Patients with Social Anxiety Disorders Combined with Selected Game‐based Elements
Conference Executives
Conference Chair:
Panagiotis Fotaris, University of Brighton, UK
Programme Co-Chairs:
Dr Cate Grundy and Dr Marcus Winter, University of Brighton, UK
Keynote Speakers:
Pete Jenkins
Seven Steps to Gamification Success
Diana Laurillard
Competition game winners
Non-Digital Games:
Wu Mi-cha and Chen Yenjui
Seek and Search –National Palace Museum, Seek and Search - Qianlong Emperor's Southern Tours
Games installed on a device
Iza Marfisi
Web-based Games:
Julien Schekter
Special mention to Antonia Schorer with the Nemesis Game
Student Games presented in the Pecha Kucha style:
Gloria Mittmann
School can be a Nightmare
2nd place: Jiaqi Yu and Andre R. Denholm
The Nomands
3rd place: Mary Ann Comunale
Hep B-Ware
ECGBL 2020
Hosted by: University of Brighton
Moulsecoomb Campus
Lewes Road
23-25 September 2020
Winners at ECGBL 2020
Non-Digital Games
1st Place
Reef Stakes®
Yew Aun Quek
2nd Place
WinWin Insurance Plus
Huei-Tse Hou and Chih-Chen Kuo
3rd Place
Brave New World
Helen Hall, Tom Lewis and Javier Garcia Oliva
Digital Games
1st Place
Diarmid Campbell
2nd Place
Welcome Rookie: A Game of Ethics
Omar Elsayed
3rd Place
Little Fish Lagoon
Evan Rushton
Conference Executives
Conference Chair:
Panagiotis Fotaris, University of Brighton, UK
Programme Co-Chairs:
Dr Katie Piatt and Dr Cate Grundy, University of Brighton, UK
Keynote Speakers:
Prof Nicola Whitton, University of Durham, UK
From games to play: what's the difference?
Dr Alex Moseley, University of Leicester, UK
Playful Learning, Teaching and Researching
Student Games
Joint 1st Place
FABE Mathematics scrabble game
Dr Foluke B.Eze
Lathe Safety Simulator (VR)
Michael Callaghan and Niall McShane
Runner up
Cyberspace Invaders
Antonia Stylianou
Runner up
Institute Senra
Tugo-Tijaš Štrbenc and Oskar Težak
In Development Games
1st Place
Hex on Turtle Islands
Diane Jass Ketelhut and Anthony Pellicone
2nd Place
Antonia Schorer
“More advanced” Commendation
GramMars Wars
Johan de Bruin
David Farrell
ECGBL 2019
Hosted by: University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55
DK-5230 Odense M
3-4 October 2019
Winners at ECGBL 2018
Joint Best PhD Papers
Digital Game-Based Learning for Early Childhood: Guardians’ Attitudes in Pakistan and Bangladesh
Lauri Pynnönen
Promoting 21st Century Skills with Game-Based Learning in Interdisciplinary Fisheries Education
Jørn Weines
Best Poster
Time to Walk Thomas Wernbacher, Natalie Denk, Mario Platzer and Sylvia Titze
7th International Educational Game Competition Winners
Finished Games
1st Place:
Master of Numbers
Bilgen Demirdaş
2nd Place:
Enchanted Crystals
David Farrell and Spyridon Blatsios
3rd Place:
Carl Boel
Merit/Commendation: SumW0rdz
Gareth Kerry Rees
Conference Executives
Conference Chair:
Lars Elbæk, University of Southern Denmark
Programme Co-Chairs:
Md. Saifuddin Khalid, Gunver Majgaard (PhD), University of Southern Denmark and
Andrea Valente, Torino University, Italy
Keynote Speakers:
Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Serious Games Interactive
Social Gamification in Blended Learning Games
Helle Marie Skovsbjerg, Design School Kolding
Playful Play-Design: Balancing Danger and Safety in Children's Full Body Play
Games in Development Winners
Joint 1st Place:
Homeless Monopoly
Jackie Calderwood
Maths Duel
Pierpaolo Dondio
Student Competition Winners
1st Place
Solar Race
Michael Callaghan
Joint 2nd Place
Once Upon a Maths
Mariana Rocha
Hunt for Human Rights
Stephen Farley, Jaia Alexandra Kavanagh, Laura Ann-Marie Masterson, Molly Carolanne Egan, Ellen Kearney, Willemijn Bosschaert, Lucy Edgeworth and Eve Ellen Mathews
ECGBL 2018
Hosted by: SKEMA Business School,
Sophia Antipolis,
4-5 October 2018
Winners at ECGBL 2018
Best PhD Paper
Game Co‐Creation with Young Music Students: A Pedagogic Approach to Promote Creativity and Engagement
Astrid Patricia Marin Jimenez, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Best Poster
Learning and Identity Construction through Gamification in Visual Art Education: A Student Perspective
Matilda Ståhl, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa, Hannah Kaihovirta, University of Helsinki and Minna Rimpilä, Vasa övningsskola, Finland
6th International Educational Game Competition Winners
Overall Joint Winners
and Winner of the Computer and VR Game Category
The Chantry
David Moore, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
and winner of the Non-Digital Games Category
Crabs & Turtles
Katerina Tsarava, Leibniz Institut fuer Wissensmedien and Luzia Leifheit, University of Tübingen, Germany
Winner of the App Based Category
Tanja Trobok, Vretta Inc., Canada
Winner of the Web Based Category
Miky Ronan, Faculty of Instructional Technologies, Holon Institute of Technology
Conference Executives
Conference Chair:
Dr Melanie Ciussi, SKEMA Business School, Sophia Antipolis, France
Programme Co-Chairs:
Dr Sophie Gay Anger, Sophia Antipolis, France and
Dr Margarida Romero, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis
Keynote Speakers:
Dr Sylvester Arnab, Coventry University, UK
The Magic Circle of Playful and Gameful Co-Creation
Dr Jacob Habgood, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Do Books Work? (and other questions we probably shouldn’t ask)
Dr Eric Sanchez, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Don’t Forget the Beans!
2nd Games in Development Competition Winners
1st Place
Project Honduras
Stephen Farleyand Jen Murphy, Trócaire, Ireland
2nd Place
Antonio Zimmerman, UNTREF, Argentina
3rd Place
Marketemy Chak
Hei So, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong